Self Test: Circulatory System

Discipline: Medicine

Type of Paper: Question-Answer

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 275


The upper chambers of the heart are called the:

The lower chambers of the heart are called the:

The valve located between the left atrium and ventricle is the:

The Pace-Maker is found in the right atria and is also called the:
S-A Node

The blood vessel that carries blood containing oxygen and nutrients away from the heart to the body tissues (except the lungs) is the:

The combining forms angi/o- and vaso- all mean:
The combining forms that mean "vein" are:
ven/o- and phleb/o-

The combining forms that mean "chest" are:
steth/o-, pectero-, and thoroco-

The combining forms that mean "sound" are:
ech/o- and sono-

The suffix -graph in the term cardio/graph means:
instrument used to record

The diagnosis of Angina Pectoris literally means __________. The actual meaning is lack of blood flow to the large heart vessels in the chest.
vessel : chest

The term that means separation or removal is:
The diagnostic term that means abnormal state of a slow heart rate is:

The diagnostic term Aortic Stenosis means:
narrowing of the aorta

The diagnostic term Coronary Isch/emia actually means:
deficient supply of blood to the crowning blood vessels of the heart

The diagnostic term that means hardening of the arteries is:

The literal meaning of the diagnostic term Cardio/myo/path/y is:

The inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and organs is called:
congestive heart failure

The diagnostic term Ar/rhythmia means:
any variation from a normal heart rhythm or contraction

The diagnostic term used to refer to a dilated or varicose (twisted) internal and/or external vein in the rectum is:

The diagnostic term for the ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall is:

The diagnostic term that means rapid, quivering, non-coordinated contractions of the atria and/or ventricles is:

The diagnostic term for distended or tortuous veins usually found in the lower extremities is:
varicose veins

The diagnostic term Cardiac Arrest is defined as a(n):
sudden cessation of cardiac output and effective circulation

The diagnostic term for a type of cancer characterized by an abnormal increase in white blood cells is:

The diagnostic term An/emia means:
decrease in normal RBC numbers, iron, or hemoglobin levels

The surgical term for the incision into a vein to remove blood, to give blood, or to give intravenous fluids is:

The surgical term Angi/o/rrhaphy means:
suturing of a vessel or to repair a vessel

The surgical term Angioplasty means:
surgical repair of a blood vessel

The surgical term for a procedure in which a balloon is passed through a blood vessel to the area in which plaque is formed is:
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

The surgical technique that brings a new blood supply to heart muscles by detouring around blocked athro/sclerotic coronary arteries is called a(n):
coronary artery bypass

The procedural phrase "Complete Blood Count - CBC" is defined as:
counting RBC, WBC, and Thrombocytes or Platelets

The procedural term for X-ray of the blood vessels after an injection of contrast medium dye is:

The procedure for making a record of the structure and motion of the heart using sound waves is called:

A procedural bone marrow biopsy is referred to as:
stern/al puncture

Macro/phage literally means:

The device or instrument that is used to measure arterial blood pressure (pulse pressure) by hand is a:

The study that uses ultrasound to determine the velocity of the flow of blood within a vessel is:
Doppler Flow Studies

The medical term Cardiology means:
the science and study of the heart

The medical term that means body temperature below normal, 98.6 F., is: (Note: hypo-, sub-, and infra all can refer to less, below, or under)

The medical term that means removal of liquid from withdrawn blood is:

The term that means one who studies and treats diseases of the blood is:

The medical term Hemo/stasis literally means:
stoppage of bleeding or diminished blood flow

The medical term which means to puncture a vein in order to remove blood, instill medication, or start an intravenous infusion is:

The medical term for the hearing of sounds within the body through a stethoscope is:

Application of an electric shock to the myocardium through the chest wall to restore normal cardiac rhythm is called:

The medical term Sy/stole (together/contract) actually means:
cardiac cycle phase where chambers contract raising blood pressure  

The phase in the cardiac cycle in which chambers relax between contractions is called:

Tapping of a body surface with the fingers to determine the density of the body part beneath is:

The medical term for the phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles contract is:

The suffixes that mean 'pain' are:
dynia and -algia

Cardiomyopathy is referred to as having a problem with _____________.
the heart muscle pumping blood

The medical term Hyper/tension means:
blood pressure that is above normal

An Em/bol/ism literally means:
state of a lump within

Poly/cyth/emia Vera (many/cells/blood: true) is the term for:
Erythrocytosis "RBC increases cause strokes, heart attacks, & clots"
A Pulmonary Infarction (lung: to stuff into) actually means:
lung blood flow blockage

The term _________________ refers to the lack of development of normal numbers of RBC's (Erythrocyte) in the blood.
A/plastic An/emia

A Macro/phage is referred to as a:
large eaters of foreign cells and materials

Hodgkin's Disease is a type of:

Athero/sclerosis is a type of:

Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) or Mitral Valve Incompetence (MVI) (valve between chambers on left side of the heart) is usually seen in:
women or females

An Aortic Abdominal Aneurysm is the _____________ of the big blood vessel in the posterior belly that often ruptures and causes death by hem/orrhag/ing.

A Varico/cele is the __________ of the veins in the scrotum (male pouch).

The parasitic Protozoan Disease Trypano/som/iasis (carried by insects) is called Snail Fever, Chagas' Disease, Tsetse Fly Disease, America Fever or:
Sleeping Sickness

Schisto/som/iasis in man is a type of a _____________ infestation.
Split Bodied Blood Fluke Worm

A Phlebo/tom/ist is a person who specializes in cutting or puncturing _____ to take blood samples.

Coronary Thrombosis is also known as:
Acute Myocardial Infarction or Myocardial Infarction

The most important longitudinal heart study in the world is being conducted in what American City since 1946:
Framingham, Massachusetts

The leading Cardiac Risk Factors are:
smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, and hyper/cholesterol/emia

Tiny blood vessels in the back of the ________ are viewed with a Ophthalmo/scop/e to help diagnosis Arterio/sclerosis, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, and many other diseases.

A Stethoscope is placed over the heart valves to listen to the:

The Sickle Cell Anemia (Sickle Cell Trait "Gene") includes the:
  • clumping of blood in vessels causing ischemia, infarction, and tissue necrosis
  • ischemia and lack of normal numbers of RBCs and flow to the body tissues
  • sickle shaped RBCs which cannot carry sufficient oxygen, and get stuck in capillaries

The terms Crenation, Poikilocytosis, and Anisocytosis all refer to:
cell shapes

The condition of Hodgkin's Disease could also be known as:
Lymph Node Hyper/trophy Disease